ISKCON New Goloka

Hare Krishna Bhakti Yoga Center

Founder Acharya His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada


·       Srila Vyasadeva, the literary incarnation of Krishna, compiled all the Vedas. Once in his ashrama in the Himalayas, in his meditation, he saw the upcoming Kali Yuga which has so many disturbances, wars, sinful activities, etc. He could see how in general people are not interested in spirituality or our culture so he wanted to give a gift to everyone in this age. So he wrote the 4 Vedas, the Puranas, Mahabharata, Upanishads, but even after writing all that he was feeling sad in his heart. He was feeling that something was incomplete. Just then his guru, Narada came there and told him that the reason he was not feeling happy was that he had not given the essence of all the Vedas in a form that is very easy for the people of Kali yuga to understand. After Narada gave him the knowledge, Vyasadev compiled Srimad Bhagavatam, which is known as Bhagavata Purana, in such a way that people can very easily understand the essence of all the Vedas in the form of interesting stories. 



·       The entire SB is in the form of stories – stories of all Dasavatars, Ramayan, Mahabharat, Krishna lila in great detail and so many more. The 7th volume has the story of Prahlad and Nrsimhadev – how a young boy is fearless in the face of so many difficulties.   



·       Srimad Bhagavatam is very scientific. For example, the 3rd volume explains how a baby develops in the womb of its mother. This is knowledge that has just been recently known through modern science, but we see how this is already there in our Vedas. How advanced and scientific is our Vedic knowledge! Also in the 3rd volume it talks about how time can be calculated from the smallest unit to the biggest. In 5thvolume it talks about how solar and lunar eclipses occur, cosmology, and the distance between the earth and the sun.



o   By reading SB, children are trained in qualities, like determination, forgiveness, and fearlessness, that will empower them how to live in this challenging world. For example in the 4th volume children can learn the quality of determination from the story of Dhruva, who successfully achieved an impossible goal.



·       Srimad Bhagavatam is an incarnation of Krishna Himself in this age of Kali. “Idam bhagavatam nama…”  (1.3.40). There are 12 volumes to SB and they represent different parts of the Lord’s body. 1 and 2: feet, 3 and 4: thighs, 5: waist, 6: chest, 7 and 8: arms, 9: throat, 10: smiling face, 11: forehead, and 12: entire head. In one of the Puranas it says that having SB at home makes the house so auspicious that the demigods stop and offer pranams to that home. By having SB, your house becomes a blessed temple of Krishna. Anyone who receives this SB, we welcome Krishna with a nice ceremony, kirtan and aratik. 



·       In SB there is a verse “yasyam vai sruyamananam…” (1.7.7) Anyone who hears this wisdom of the SB, all “soka” lamentation, “moha” illusion (doubts in our mind), “bhaya” fear are all taken away from the core of our hearts and our devotion to Krishna arises in our heart. We have many online Zoom calls where we get together as groups to read SB. Contact us for more information. Those who are part of these calls experience that the best of the day is to come together and drink this beautiful wisdom. 



·       We want you to be a part of this project. Please help us share this wisdom with everyone. We want everyone to benefited by this. We also have SB in different local Indian languages. Now it is a very special time all over the world, people of all countries (Russia, China, South Africa…) are sharing this knowledge. So we request you to be a part of this project. (a) Which language would you prefer for yourself? (b) Any friends (anywhere in US or India) you know who could benefit from SB? (we will ship to them) (c) We are also shipping SB to schools and villages in India. It is called Grama Vidya Dana. You can also sponsor few sets to be shipped. 

CONTACT US: Aditya Narayan Dasa (407) 451-7735